Alexander Douglas_March 2020

Douglas Alexander

Strategic Advisor

With two decades working at the highest levels in UK Government, Douglas threads together academia, politics and strategy to advise on developments in politics, and the global economic environment.

Working closely with Prime Ministers Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, Douglas was tasked with developing innovative approaches to address some of the world’s most complex and difficult problems. Today, he is a Senior Fellow at Harvard University's Kennedy School and a Visiting Professor at the Policy Institute of King’s College, London. He has a degree in law and practiced as a solicitor in Scotland before entering politics.

Douglas is a Member of the European Council of Foreign Relations and a member of the Privy Council. He has produced many highly acclaimed texts on British Foreign Policy and brings decades of knowledge to contemporary issues of European economic and foreign policy making.

Douglas's experience


    • 2018
      Appointed UK Chair of UNICEF
    • 2016
      Appointed at Pinsent Masons
    • 2011
      Shadow Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs
    • 2010
      Shadow Secretary of State for International Development
    • 2010
      Shadow Secretary of State for Work and Pensions
    • 2007
      Secretary of State for International Development
    • 2007
      UK Governor to the World Bank
    • 2006
      Secretary of State for Scotland
    • 2006
      Secretary of State for Transport
    • 2005
      Minister of State for Europe
    • 2004
      Minister of State for Trade
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    Out-Law / Insight by Douglas Alexander

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