Daniel specialises in high-value and complex commercial disputes. He has significant trial experience in the High Court and international arbitration under various institutional rules, including ICC, LCIA, UNCITRAL and SIAC.
Kirstie leads our Environmental and Planning team in Australia and advises on all aspects of Australian environmental and planning law with her practice focusing on large scale projects in the energy, renewables and infrastructure sectors.
Kirsty is a Senior Practice Development Lawyer who has ten years' experience as a corporate lawyer, gained in private practice and in house at a FTSE 100 company.
Karah advises on major infrastructure and energy disputes across Asia Pacific and the Middle East, in common and civil law jurisdictions. Karah sits as arbitrator, is listed in 2023 Legal 500 Arbitration Powerlist for Hong Kong and speaks fluent Japanese.
Kieron is responsible for identifying new clients and potential business opportunities, and works with the team to design, sell and deliver diversity and inclusion solutions.
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