Hand Chamika_November 2019

Chamika Hand

Legal Director

Chamika is a Legal Director with over 17 years' experience in Insurance and Reinsurance. With a focus on complex litigation and arbitration (including Bermuda Form arbitrations), Chamika specialises in advising Insurers on the coverage and defence of claims relating to professional liability, product liability and cyber liability.

Chamika's experience


    • 2013
      Joined Pinsent Masons
    • 2010
      Legal Director at Clyde & Co
    • 2006
      Associate at Clyde & Co
    • 2004
      Qualified - England and Wales
    • 2004
      Solicitor at Kennedys
    • 2002
      Trainee at Kennedys
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    Out-Law / Insight by Chamika Hand

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