Snchez Montero Antonio

Antonio Sánchez Montero


Antonio is the head of the corporate department in Madrid. He undertakes a broad range of M&A work, with a particular focus on private equity transactions.

Antonio's experience


    • 2017
      Joined Pinsent Masons
    • 2007
      Ramón y Cajal - Partner
    • 2004
      MG/Vetusta financial group - General Counsel
    • 2002
      Ferreras Abogados
    • 1998
      Vodafone Spain - Head of Corporate Law team
    • 1994
      Instituto de Empresa - LLM in Corporate Law
    • 1993
      Universidad Politécnica de Madrid - Masters Degree in International Commerce
    • 1992
      Universidad Complutense de Madrid - Degree in Law
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    Out-Law / Insight by Antonio Sánchez Montero

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