Anna specialises in local government and planning law.
Anna Forge’s contribution as part of the Pinsent Masons team to various projects that this Council has been involved in, including some major regeneration projects, has been outstanding. Anna provides a combination of excellent technical legal knowledge & thoroughness but also combined with a pragmatic and commercial approach which has long been appreciated and highly valued by the Council and its officers. Her knowledge of public sector law issues and her ability to see the way through some complex legal matters as well as practical issues have been a great asset that the Council has often called upon. In addition, Anna has proved to be an invaluable initial sounding board for the Council and has always happily responded at short notice to urgent queries and requests to talk through particular issues or problems. In terms of team work, Anna’s style is highly collaborative and solution focussed. Anna’s approachability is such that she seamlessly becomes a respected and key part of the core team in the projects that she is instructed upon.
Sean Murphy
- Head of Commercial and Property Law & Deputy Monitoring Officer
Mike leads the Consulting: Process & Technology team at Pinsent Masons Vario. He works with legal teams to help them explore how and when legal technology can be applied to overcome challenges faced by both legal and business functions.
Mike's primary area of expertise is in banking and financial services disputes arising from lending, hedging, regulated sales and private equity. Mike also advises in a wide range of commercial disputes, typically including cross jurisdictional issues.
Mark specialises in providing expert public policy and corporate communications advice to global organisations. He leads the practice on ESG and sustainability, life sciences and artificial intelligence as well as advising businesses on their political engagement, reputation management and crisis communications in highly regulated industries.
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