Out-Law News

Malaysia cancels daily Covid-19 test for travellers from Singapore

Travellers from Singapore to Malaysia via the air and land vaccinated travel lane (VTL) will no longer need to take daily Covid-19 tests for six days after arrival, the Malaysian health minister has announced.

The requirement has been lifted for all travellers entering Malaysia via air and land VTLs, the Langkawi International Tourism Bubble (LITB) and One Stop Centre (OSC) for short-term business visitors, according to a local report.

Travellers are still required undergo Covid-19 tests on their second, fourth and sixth days after arriving in Malaysia.

Mayumi Soh of Pinsent Masons MPillay, the Singapore joint law venture between MPillay and Pinsent Masons said: “This is consistent with the general trend of countries trying to resume normal cross border travel.”

Singapore and Malaysia launched their land VTL in December 2021. All travellers entering Singapore must comply with the current testing protocols and safe management measures. Travellers to Malaysia must also be fully vaccinated.

The two countries agreed to launch an air VTL between Changi airport and Kuala Lumpur international airport on 29 November 2021.

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