Out-Law Guide 7 min. read
20 Mar 2024, 3:49 pm
The UK’s Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act 2023 (the Act) has reformed the law of corporate criminal attribution for a wide range of economic crimes and introduced a new offence of corporate failure to prevent fraud offences by persons associated with a business.
A new "reasonable procedures" defence is applicable to the failure to prevent fraud offences.
The UK government has now prepared the draft guidance required under section 204 of the Act to set out the procedures that organisations should put in place to prevent persons associated with them from committing fraud offences. This guide summarises the law and the draft reasonable procedures statutory guidance, which has been consulted on and may be subject to change.
The new UK corporate criminal offence of failure to prevent fraud offences and other economic crimes will make “large” body corporates and partnerships criminally liable for the acts of a person associated with them who commits an economic crime for the organisation’s benefit or for the benefit of any person to whom the associated person provides services on behalf of the organisation – for example, a customer.
Associated persons include employees, agents, subsidiaries, or any other person performing services "for or on behalf" of the organisation. This definition could extend to suppliers when they provide ancillary services, agents, distributors, advisers, brokers, contractors, consultants, and joint venture partners.
The associated person must intend to benefit either:
In addition, a parent company is criminally liable for failing to prevent an economic crime by an employee of a subsidiary company where the fraudulent act was intended to benefit the parent company or its client. However, liability is not triggered where the organisation is the intended victim of the associated person’s conduct.
The failure to prevent fraud offences apply to all UK and foreign organisations that carry on a business or part of a business in the UK, subject to them meeting two or more of the following thresholds either individually or, with respect to parent companies, where the subsidiaries in aggregate meet the statutory thresholds: a turnover of more than £36m; a balance sheet total of more than £18m; and/or more than 250 employees.
The failure to prevent offences apply to the following economic crimes:
The issue of who is intended to benefit from the underlying fraud is key to determining whether a business can be held criminally liable for the offence of failure to prevent fraud.
The intention to benefit the business does not have to be the sole or dominant motivation for the fraud. The new offence applies where a fraudster's primary motivation was to benefit themselves but where their actions were also intended to benefit the organisation. For example, a salesperson who is on a commission may engage in mis-selling to increase their own commission but, in doing so, they also increase the company's sales. Even though this is not the fraudster's primary motivation, the intention to benefit the company can be inferred in this case because the benefit to the salesperson is contingent on the benefit to the company. The organisation is not liable if it is the victim of the fraud.
The 1993 Criminal Justice Act extended UK jurisdiction for fraud and other economic crimes to where a "relevant event" occurred in the UK – including, for example, causing gain or a loss to another in the UK. This means:
Draft guidance issued by the UK government about the new offence gives examples of failure to prevent fraud scenarios, including:
These scenarios are illustrative, and serve to demonstrate the breadth of this new offence.
It will be a defence to the failure to prevent economic crimes offence if the organisation can prove that it had reasonable prevention procedures in place, or that it was not reasonable in all the circumstances to expect it to have had any procedures in place. The new offence will come into force six months after the government publishes statutory guidance on the reasonable procedures organisations should consider putting in place.
Draft statutory guidance has now been prepared and issued for consultation. The draft guidance anticipates that parent companies will take steps to prevent fraud by subsidiaries, including by implementing group level policies and training and by ensuring that there is a nominated person responsible for fraud prevention in each subsidiary.
The reasonable procedures guidance follows six principles of compliance. The six principles are similar to those applicable to the Bribery Act and "adequate procedures" but there are differences in emphasis, particularly relating to the risk assessment methodology and the importance of financial controls.
The six principles are:
Having a documented risk assessment is a key pillar of the reasonable procedures defence. The focus of the risk assessment is the risk of associated persons of the organisation engaging in the prescribed economic crimes to benefit the organisation, the group or its customers, rather than the risk of internal fraud against the organisation.
The draft statutory guidance notes: "In some limited circumstances, it may be deemed reasonable not to introduce measures in response to a particular risk. However, it will rarely be considered reasonable not to have even conducted a risk assessment."
Organisations are directed to consider "the opportunity, the motive and the means by which associated persons could commit fraud that benefits the organisation".
A starting point for a risk assessment may be to map out existing fraud prevention measures and to consider what other relevant risk assessments are already in place for the failure to prevent the anti-facilitation of tax evasion, failure to prevent bribery offences, money laundering and modern slavery. These risk assessments are likely to contain useful content for informing a broader economic crime risk assessment. Businesses may also have reports and data on other reviews relating to tendering, contracting, and the effectiveness of financial controls which are likely to be informative.
Workshops with relevant personnel to identify how economic crimes to benefit the business, the group or its customers could materialise are recommended.
The risk assessment will inform the procedures that are reasonable for the business to put in place. Many organisations will already have procedures in place for risk areas which are likely to be capable of being extended to address wider economic crime risks. The draft statutory guidance states: "It is not necessary for organisations to duplicate existing work. Equally, it would not be a suitable defence to state that because the organisation is regulated its compliance process under existing regulations would automatically qualify as "reasonable procedures".
A reasonable procedures framework may include:
Out-Law Guide
14 Aug 2024