As the US’ Federal Trade Commission ban on 'restrictive covenants' such as non-compete and non-solicitation clauses in employment agreements faces mixed judicial opinion, jurisdictions across the Asia-Pacific region could soon adopt similar restrictions.

Restrictive covenants - also known as ‘restraint of trade’ clauses – are widely used throughout the region but employers in certain markets – like Australia, for example – may soon be impacted by changes to the enforceability of post-employment restraints of trade, as a result of anticipated changes to employment legislation.

To navigate the differences between jurisdictions successfully, regional employers – particularly those operating across borders – must consider the guidelines and principles available in each jurisdiction regarding the enforceability of restrictive covenants, the extent to which these clauses are applicable to their organisations, and the likelihood of legislative changes that may impact the use of such restrictions moving forward.

Co-written by Suren Missaghi, Chen Litong and Ginger Zhou of Pinsent Masons.

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