JCG Tokyo Mt Fuji


We have long supported Japanese corporations on their international investments, advising Nikkei 225 listed corporations, general contractors, government agencies, and others, on their most important legal issues.

Our global Japanese Client Group (JCG) is dedicated to serving our Japanese clients' needs to the standards and levels of understanding that they expect. The Group has a long-term commitment to advising Japanese clients and their interests, and is heavily invested in securing international mandates through our regional hubs.

Thanks to our strong global network and high level of connectivity, we pair our knowledge of Japanese business organisations with that of their investment markets across the world, including Asia Pacific, Indo Pacific, Middle East, Central Asia, Europe and Africa.

The JCG incorporates our Japanese Contractors Initiative which provides a targeted service offering to internationally active Japanese infrastructure and energy contractors.

The five sectors in which we specialise include:

  • Infrastructure – Construction, Projects and Project Finance, and Asset Acquisition
  • Energy & Natural Resources – Renewables, Oil & Gas, Minerals & Mining, and Conventional Power
  • Technology, Science and Industry – Big Tech, Healthcare, Life Sciences, and Manufacturing
  • Financial Services
  • Real Estate

In 2023, we were awarded the prestigious Japan Foreign Practice Law Firm of the Year Award at the annual Asian Legal Business Japan Law Awards.


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Out-Law / Financial services litigation

Our latest work

Our advisers act on domestic and international projects of all shapes and sizes, working with many of the leading names in the market. Browse our experience below, or use the filters to look-up recent work in particular geographies and industry sectors.

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