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Open access virtual legal work experience

Have a look at one of our virtual work experience programmes to help decide if a career in law is right for you.


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As an innovative law firm, we are looking for candidates with ideas and opinions, with confidence and intellectual curiosity. We are looking for candidates who can form relationships, build networks and drive the success of the business. Does this sound like you?


If the answer is yes, our virtual programmes could be part of your journey to becoming a lawyer at Pinsent Masons.

Our programmes offer the opportunity to learn by doing, whilst gaining information and experience that will help guide you in the direction that’s right for you. We want to offer you experiences that provide the scope to help you shape your path and take the law, and your career, into your own hands.

We offer two different virtual work experience programmes; Introduction to Law and Introduction to Commercial Law. Our Introduction to Law programme is designed for school level students who are keen to understand what a career in law actually means and what might be involved. Our Introduction to Commercial programme is designed for university level students who hope to pursue a careers in law, and want to get some experience of the work typically involved in the day of a trainee solicitor.


Introduction to Law (School Level)


This programme is designed for secondary school students, so no prior legal experience is required to complete it!

We aim to enhance your time management, legal research and drafting and commercial awareness skills through practical training and feedback via model examples. Simultaneously, it will also give you a flavour of what working as a lawyer at Pinsent Masons is like.

Interested? Click here to enrol today! 


Introduction to Commercial Law (University Level)


This programme is designed for undergraduate and post-graduate students, giving you the opportunity to see Pinsent Masons behind the scenes and to get a better idea of what working as a lawyer is really like.

In this programme, you’ll assist a hypothetical Pinsent Masons client; gain practical skills to add to your CV; and build your personal and professional skills.

Interested? Click here to enrol today!


  • Who can apply for this programme?

    There is no application process for our virtual work experience programmes and anybody interested in pursuing a career in commercial law can register for free. We have two programmes based on your education level, both giving you an overview of a career in law and the type of work that might be involved.

  • Can I add this work experience to my CV?

    Yes! All virtual work participants should include their experience in the ‘Extra-curricular activities’ section on their CV. All students who had a genuine attempt at completing all the tasks will also receive an online certificate to confirm they’ve completed the placement.

  • How long will the virtual work experience take to complete?

    In the tasks description, you will find a recommended time needed to complete them. You don’t have to finish all modules in one day as it might be challenging! We recommend you plan the completion of the course over a few days.

  • How does this compare to real work experience?

    This programme was designed by our lawyers to best reflect the work our trainees do at Pinsent Masons. But don’t take our word for it! One of our Vacation Placement students commented that: “Having completed work experience at Pinsent Masons before undertaking the virtual programme, I can confirm that the tasks genuinely represent some of the work done by the Trainees and Solicitors at the firm on a day-to-day basis, giving students a realistic idea of the role of Solicitors.”


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