I undertook the Summer Vacation Scheme with Pinsent Masons in June 2023 and sat in the multi-award-winning Pensions team at the Glasgow office. Let me tell you more about my experience.


Ahead of the assessments, candidates were given access to the firm’s Forage platform with which was rich with resources to support us during not only at the interview stage, but also when you undertake your placement. Before commencing my placement, my supervisor and trainee buddy reached out to me to introduce themselves and welcome me to the team. Throughout my placement, my supervisor and buddy were invaluable in providing me with the tools, knowledge, and support I needed to get the most out of my time with the team. 


When the placement commenced, I took part in an insightful Induction Day led by the Graduate Recruitment team and a welcome social event for all participants from Scotland and Northen Ireland. The events offered an overview of the placement and vital tips on how to get the most out of our time at the firm.

The rest of the placement focused on working in our respective teams. Within the Pensions team, I was afforded an excitingly high level of trust and responsibility. This allowed me to be completely immersed in the world of a pensions lawyer. I worked on live client matters, including drafting bundles, advice notes and researching complex queries from clients. It was rewarding to see my contributions form part of the final response to the client. Going into a seat in Pensions was a stimulating challenge, as this area of law was completely new to me. However, the key is to go in with an open mind and an eagerness to learn as much as you can. The team, from trainee to partner, was always on hand to offer support and encouragement. Pensions was a truly unique seat to be in, as most Pensions transactions require a collaborative approach with many teams within the firm. I was exposed to banking, corporate, employment, and funds, to name a few. During my time, I had uncovered a whole new world within Pensions, and I now know I would not hesitate to take a seat in it as a trainee.

A highlight for me was attending the Association of Pension Lawyers Annual Conference in Edinburgh. This allowed me to work in the Edinburgh office, which highlighted the consistency in culture across the offices. That is, inclusivity, diversity, and wellbeing are at the forefront of each office’s agenda. The conference was attended by various professionals in the pensions industry and consisted of a keynote speech followed by a dinner. The keynote speaker was Lord Drummond Young, a retired judge of the Supreme Courts of Scotland and former Chairman of the Scottish Law Commission. The topic was the role of ESG in trusts, specifically how far the rise in environmental considerations can be reconciled with pension funds. This event provided me the opportunity to network with pensions professionals and gain insight from both legal and non-legal perspectives on what is a constantly evolving and fascinating area.


Socials and Pro-Bono

The vacation placement, however, is about far more than just getting stuck into the law. I was afforded the opportunity to attend firm-wide socials and skills sessions. Some examples of events include a Q&A with Managing Partner Laura Cameron, a workshop from the Advanced Delivery Team, and a networking session by the Law Society of Scotland. Alongside these were excellent social events at local venues, allowing me to further build those essential relationships with fellow cohort and potential colleagues. 

What became increasingly apparent was the firm’s dedication to corporate social responsibility. For example, my trainee buddy was involved in the Inspiring Young Lives initiative, one of the firm’s community investment programmes. This involves the firm building collaborative relationships with nearby schools to eliminate obstacles to education. Whether it be through running literacy programmes or welcoming students into the firm to introduce them to law as a career choice. 

Final Thoughts

In short, being part of the 2023 Vacation Scheme cohort in the Glasgow office was invaluable and rewarding. The placement was designed and structured to reflect the practical experience of what it’s like to be a trainee solicitor at Pinsent Masons. I saw the firm’s values of being approachable, bold, and connected not just practised but embraced. There is no better way to get to know a firm’s culture, people, or strategy. I would encourage anyone thinking about a career in law who wants to work at an innovative firm where they can be their authentic selves to apply to Pinsent Masons. You will work alongside leading lawyers in their field and be able to contribute positively to your local community and the firm’s strategy to champion change, promote progress, and enable everyone to make business work better for people.

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